With limited space, unlimited fashion tailor-made for you to ensure that your company's brand image is fully displayed, so that the audience right products have a deeper understanding. 用有限的空间无限的时尚为你量身定做,务求使贵司的品牌形象得到充分的展示,让观众对产品有更深的认识。
In case the applicant is an unlimited company, please submit copy of Hong Kong business registration certificate; 如申请人为无限公司,请提交香港商业登记证副本;
Shareholders of unlimited liability shall bear joint unlimited liability for obligations of the company, and shareholders of limited liability shall be liable to the company only to the extent of the capital contributed by them. 无限责任股东,对公司债务负连带无限清偿责任;有限责任股东,以出资额为限,对于公司负其责任。
When shareholders of unlimited liability and shareholders of limited liability unanimously agree to REINCORPORATE the company into an unlimited company, it shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 无限责任股东与有限责任股东,以全体之同意,变更其组织为无限公司时,依前项规定行之。
Create unlimited business identity sets for all your business and personal needs that include your company name, contact information, and logo. 根据所有的商业和个人需要创建无限的企业标识集,其中包括公司名称、联系信息和徽标。
This person is able to gain unlimited access to the company's resources as if he is an insider. 只要他被视为内部人员,他就能够不受限制地访问公司资源。
The third part puts forward the additional relief measures of shareholders limited liability in Single-member Company with shareholders unlimited liability and discusses definitely the common types of shareholders unlimited liability in Single-member Company by learning from the doctrine of veil piercing in Common Law System. 第三部分提出应以一人公司股东的无限责任作为股东有限责任的补充救济措施,并借鉴英美法系的揭开法人面纱理论,对一人公司股东无限责任的常见类型做了一定的探讨。
A Study on the Unlimited Duty of One-man Company 一人公司股东无限责任之研究
This paper illustrates the concepts of limited liabilities, unlimited liabilities and independent liabilities, as well as comments on and proposes changes for Article 12 of Corporate Law concerning company investment. 本文在对法人制度中有限责任、无限责任以及独立责任进行理论的廓清后,对《公司法》第12条关于公司转投资限制的规定给予评价,并提出修改建议。
Unlimited liabilities are the basic form of liabilities in a company. 无限责任是公司的基本责任形式。
There are 4 types of companies according to the Macau legal system: unlimited company, limited company, limited partnership, companies limited by shares. 澳门法定的公司形式有四类:无限公司、有限公司、两合公司和股份有限公司。
The limited liability company, which has the feature of Human resource integrity and capital integrity, is between the stock joint company and the unlimited liability company. Shares transfer happens all the time freely or constrainedly. 有限责任公司介于股份公司和无限公司之间,兼有人合性和资合性的特点,其股权转让似乎无时不在自由和限制之间游弋。
However, the financial institutions cannot apply the limited partnership system, and cannot manage the wealth for the customers by taking the unlimited liability general partner in the limited partner company. 无论如何,我国金融业机构不可能运用有限合伙制,不可能通过担任有限合伙人企业中具有无限责任的普通合伙人的方式为客户管理财富。
Opposite to the research conclusion of Evelyn Hayden ( 2003), in our country, because the governance structure advantage of limited company is obvious, PD of limited company is lower than that of unlimited company. 与EvelynHayden(2003)实证研究结论相反,在我国,由于有限公司的治理结构优势明显,其违约概率低于非有限公司。